Monday, November 23, 2009

Single With A Purpose

In my Junior year of college, I was very busy with being an RA, (Resident Assistant) working two campus jobs, and also a part of a campus ministry team and I started to think to myself, Lord...I would like to be in a relationship with a guy. All these couples I saw hooking up and I was thinking, "Lord, What about me? Why am I still single?"

Okay so I know I'm not the only one who asked the question, "Why am I single?" There have been countless times I have asked God this question. I feel like I have an intimate relationship with the Lord to ask other questions so why not ask God this question. I mean, I attended a Christian college for goodness sake! lol! I thought to myself, some people come to college to find their mate!

I made a vow to God that I would wait on Him to put me in a relationship intead of me trying to make something happen. I just didn't want to come off too eagered. But what does "waiting" mean? To me, when I think of "waiting" I think of just sitting around and being put on-hold. I think of being delayed for a purpose or held back for a specific reason. Waiting can also mean doing something else in place of expectancy. So, in essence, I was going to keep doing what I was doing, and just expect something to happen in the process. (If that makes any sense.) lol!

My biggest thing in this waiting process was that I wanted to make sure I was open to new things, or possible new relationships but I didn't want to jump into anything too soon and it ends up not working out for me in the long run. I know what you're thinking...How would you know if it will work or not unless you take a chance? or risk! Im glad you asked, and that is an excellent question to ask God (smile). He would love to answer that for you. lol! No, all jokes aside, The truth is, we don't know, but God does. And for those who have a true intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus, we can rely on Him to keep us pure, clean and whole before Him while we wait, especially in our singleness.

I have come to the conclusion that there are things that we are to be doing for the Lord that He wants us to focus on right now. Well, I am speaking for myself now. (not that He can't still use us while we are in relationships, because He can). In fact, God uses couples all around the world and they are doing amazing things for His glory. But for those who questioned their singleness, like me, maybe this will help you out a little.

So back to the singleness question: I said, "God, why I am single?"

I sat quietly before the Lord after asking and I felt such a gentleness and spirit of grace come upon me. It's like The Lord was sitting next to me in my room to help me understand this question. Deep in my heart of hearts, there were words that sprung up that could only come from the Lord. (How do I know? Because, I sure wasn't thinking those words! lol! Anyway, I listened to my heart and this is what The Lord said:

"You are single Because you belong to me and I have need of you. YOU ARE SINGLE WITH A PURPOSE, YOU ARE SINGLE ON PURPOSE. MY PURPOSE. Think about it, would you be totally committed to the girls on your floor that I have intrusted to your care and the ministry i have called you to this semester if you were in a relationship?"

And in that moment, I knew that the Truth was setting me free. I had to honestly say, "No." I would have tried to squeeze time in for all of the things i was doing, but someone or something was going to get slighted. And let's not forget, I was a junior as well. Besides, I was doing too much already.

The fact of the matter was this; I was living amongst some lost and hurting girls on my floor and in the building both years as an RA and there was something far more greater at stake than me wanting to be in a relationship.

The lives of many young women I lived amongst and have encountered as a result of my obedience to God have been changed for the better! The Lord gave me such amazing friendships with those young ladies that year! ALL GLORY TO JESUS FOR HIS GRACE AND MERCY THAT WAS GIVEN TO ME and trusting me with such amazing young women!

I now know that God needs me to be single right now to continue "the good work He has begun in me." If it is the Lord's will, One day I will get married and have even more work. lol! Until then, I will live out my life pleasing to the Him in purity, freedom and as much balance as possilbe! And have some fun too! ;)


So...What's your purpose for being single right now? He may be calling you to a lifestyle or lifetime of singleness. If you don't know, I would encourage you to seek the LORD so that he may show you.

I'm starting to understand more and more that being single is not punishment but preparation. You may have more work for the LORD to do. So...Get busy!!! Don't forget to continue to wait on the LORD in your singleness. What ever that means to you.

Isn't God worth the wait? Because when we wait on Him, we get His best instead of our best. And His Best is so much Better! ; )

Single on Purpose.

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